PALS ( Panhandle Alternative Lifestyle Society) is an educational and social group whose focus centers on the the BDSM, Leather, Fetish, Kink, and Alternative lifestyle located in the Florida panhandle area. We are pan-sexual, accepting of anyone and any adult-oriented fetish, and seek to help those interested in exploring this lifestyle in any way we can, within the parameters of our bylaws.

However, no one under the age of 21 may attend meetings, munches or any other PALS sponsored event.

To learn more about our organization, please contact any of the PALS Board.             

PALS Board of Directors; 2022 – 2023
* President: Tammy Tammy and Terry
on FetLife
PALS President Email
* Vice President: Cliff Cliffsplace on FetLife PALS Vice President Email
* Treasurer: S_Nicky S_Nicky
on FetLife
PALS Treasurer Email
* Secretary: notyour_precious  Notyour_precious
on FetLife
PALS Secretary Email
* Event Coordinator: Mercey mercey on FetLife PALS Event Coordinator Email
*PALS IT & Vice President Assistant:    Secretary-fl  Secretary-fl on FetLife PALS IT & VP Assist Email


Honorary PALS Positions
* PALS Historian:   Robert (1959-2014)     CarpeDiDom on FetLife   
Honorary PALS Members
 * Ms Trice Ms Trice on FetLife
 * Pat
 * Master Sgt
 * mstrsgtspvt mstrsgtspvt on FetLife