Date: Saturday, July 06, 2013 · 5:30 PM – 8:30 PM
Location: Emerald City Bar, 406 East Wright Street @ map
Cost: $5.00 for non-members, Free to PALS members
Dress Code: Kinky to casual





PALS is very privileged to welcome WytchWolf & jerichokatt to present here for the first time!

We are going to do something very very special this month. Not only are we going to have an amazing and very unique demo (Blow Darts-WOW!!), but we are also going to have an extra Presentation/Question/Answer session on gender issues in our community. Questions about gender roles and how to approach them, affect us all and this is one demo I definitely plan to be close enough to hear!

Sometimes a Little Prick is Enough

From the high grass of the Serengeti to the dark corners of a dimly lit dungeon, the soft “swoosh” of a blow gun can create intense reactions. Come join us to learn how the tiny prick of a 4” dart can become a hot and steamy scene. This class covers the safety concerns and proper use of blow guns as implements of pleasure.


A quiet, easy-going Southern guy, who happens to be Transgender, Ian is honored to be International Mr. Transgender Leather 2012.
Education is one of his passions and he has spent much of his life teaching others in his local and extended communities on a variety of topics. His beliefs on education stem from Malcolm Forbes “Education’s purpose is to replace an empty mind with an open one.”

Ian is a proud member of Clan SnowDragon, Mama's Family (“Mama’s Transformer”) and is an associate member of WILI. He also owns Women's International Leather Legacy, a contest specifically developed to archive and promote the importance of Women's Leather History.

PALS (Panhandle Alternative Lifestyle Society) is an educational and social group whose focus centers on the BDSM, Leather, Fetish, Kink, and Alternative Lifestyle located in the Florida Panhandle area. We are pan-sexual, accepting of anyone and any adult-oriented fetish, and seek to help those interested in exploring this lifestyle in any way we can, within the parameters of our by-laws.

However, no one under the age of 21 may attend meetings, munches, or any other PALS sponsored event.

To learn more about our organization, please contact any of the PALS board members at their listed emails or fetlife profiles:

Cliff, President Email,Cliffsplace (Fetlife)
Decalin, Vice President, Email, Decalin (Fetlife)
Nancy, Treasurer Email,Secretary-Fl (Fetlife)
Sunny, Secretary Email,Sunnys (Fetlife)
KnottyMcKnotty, Member-at-Large, Email, KnottyMcKnotty (Fetlife)


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